Shazam is a 3-Million year old wizard, who has decided to dedicate his magical studies to bettering humankind.
Originating near modern-day Pakistan, Shazam first learned of his magical powers from the late Master Kazzah, when he was around age 14.
Shazam spent his early wizarding years performing simple magic. He would perform parlor tricks for ancient royalty of monarchies long since lost to the sands of time.
He would also, often, help out the poor by performing multiplicative magic on the money they had. His generosity, unfortunately, crash many ancient economies and have him exiled.
As time went on, Shazam grew stronger and stronger. His power became known worldwide by many great conquerers. They would often ask of Shazam's divination skills to lead them to success on the battlefield.
Shazam eventually grew tired of working with royalty, tired of empires and monarchs and politics and being in the public eye, he sought a place nobody would ever go looking for him, even for all
the riches in the world, and all the land they could ever hope to conquer. A place so dreadful nobody could bear to make the journey unless death were knocking at their door:
the United Kingdom.
Here, Shazam would settle down. Still using his magic, but to a much lesser degree. He now focuses on art, comedy, community, friendship, and love.
Shazam's Blue Potion is his latest attempt to make the world a better place, by providing a safe, healthy, and delicious elixir for a low cost, and hopefully bring joy to the hearts of people worldwide.
Wheat is some sort of entity that Shazam found in 2022.
Wheat is currently contained at [REDACTED]
If an outbreak of Wheat occurs, avert your gaze, find a safe place indoors, and contact Containment Team Alpha IMMEDIATELY